I flew to Minneapolis for Quilt Market. It is always a great time but lots of work. I used to have my own booth but I stopped when I had kids. I primarily go to make contacts, promote my stuff and talk about future projects with my publishers and fabric company. I am happy to say that I have lots of new things lined up for the future. Yes, we work years ahead. When I worked in the pharmaceutical industry, we would book appointments 3 years in advance! So, I guess you can say that I am used to it.
I saw a lot of old friends. Here's Dougal of the Freckles Collection from Alberta, Canada. We had a booth opposite of each other one year. Super nice lady with lots of cute stitchery designs.

Here's Martingale/That Patchwork Place's [my publisher] booth. Happy 30th birthday!

I met lots of new friends. Here's a great lady, Susan Breier , with her hubby, Jeff . She's got a terrific book coming later this year with Martingale. I got a sneak peak of it and she's got some nifty designs.

Lizzie Kate is my sister's fave cross stitch designer. I can see why. She's super nice and talented. She was at Market with some really adorable punch needle designs. Check them out at her web site www.lizziekate.com

New friends are to be made too. Here's a great couple from Patchwork Schoolhouse from Alberta Canada. Of course, I am partial to Canadians!

It is always exciting to see the latest and greatest products all in one place. There was the usual quilt pattern companies and fabric companies, a lot of wool suppliers [addictive!] and punch needle designs. This year though, I was only able to run throught the show because I was invited to the Better Homes & Gardens' Creative Circle of Excellence and had to stay longer for that instead. More about that in the next post.