Paisley ParadeI came back from Houston two weeks ago. It was a whirlwind trip because I have some other deadlines but I had to go. Does anyone know how to successfully balance your life and not feel any stress? I'd sure like to know.
Houston was inspiring and upbeat this time. Brighter colors, and a more contemporary flair filled the air. My line "Paisley Parade" made its debut. I work with Henry Glass in NYC and they filled their booth with lots of samples made from my fabric. They even have a free pattern on their web site. Go and check it out.

It was so cool seeing the Henry Glass booth sign made from "Paisley Parade". People were a little crazy during Sample Spree. Luckily, I was able to get in before the 8 p.m. opening. Once they opened the doors, those of us inside just stopped and looked at all of the people running inside. Mayhem. We were like deer standing in the middle in the dark in the road waiting, watching a truck barreling down towards us.
I visited old friends. Amy Butler's [] booth was beautiful. I promised her some felted balls made from roving and delivered them. I promised them a while ago [way back at the Creative Circle of Excellence] but I had a legitimate excuse, . I had an allergic reaction over the summer. My hands peeled from touching unwashed fabric. Yeah, freaky, I know.
Mark Lipinski is such a hoot. He's the editor of a fabulous new magazine, Quilter's Home. I love his candid writing and it's so much fun to read. Refreshing! I'm in the October issue in the article on sewing room essentials. Check it out.
Cynthia Tomaczewski, is a super nice lady from Abu Dhabi, UAE. She travels a looooong way to come to these shows. We met at the Creative Circle of Excellence and she also designs for Henry Glass. Super nice lady. 
The people from American Patchwork & Quilting treated us to a little party on Friday night. It was nice seeing everyone again. Catching up with someone is always a treat.
I met new friends. Letitia Hutchins of Mount Redoubt Designs and her husband Shaun were sharing our table at Benihana. They're terrific and let me tell you, there isn't a prouder Dad than Shaun of his two girls!
Lots of weird coincidences happened and they turned out to be great serendipitous encounters! As I am boarding, I hear someone saying, "Isn't that Linda?" I look around and I see the ladies from Henry Glass! We had not been in touch prior to the show because I had a zillion deadlines so they didn't know that I was going. What was even more strange, was the fact that I ended up with the seat right beside one of them! I was going to switch seats because I had a middle seat but I was too tired. So what'd we do the entire flight? We chatted, gossipped and I taught Karen how to knit!
Another strange encounter happened as I was leaviing the Hyatt on Sunday morning. I wasn't going back to the show that morning but for whatever reason I did. Then as I get into the shuttle bus, I hear, "Hey, I know you, Linda Lum DeBono." I look up and there was Cheryl Johnson from Leisure Arts. I was supposed to meet her boss but the meeting was canceled because she had strep. We talked the entire way and believe me, it was DESTINY. I have these ideas that I want to publish and I am looking for the right publisher and I think that Cheryl gets it! Gotta love a gal when she's on the same page as you. Hopefully we will get together on these ideas somehow. Their new booth looked fresh.

I just finished a book for Martingale two weeks ago. It was great fun and I am very excited to see it through. I can't wait for everyone to see the designs. Fun and exciting is all that I can say for now. Plus, I have had a seriously bad cold and cough for the past ten days.
My fabric line, Paisley Parade should be available this month. Henry Glass did a fabulous job of selling it in Houston. I should be working on some more soon.
Whew! I think that's it for now. I have some serious making up to do with the family. No food and attention and they get cranky. Yes, that mountain of laundry needs some tlc too.