Don't you find that when things happen in your life, things really happen big time? The timing is usually off and everything should be finished yesterday! I love that pressure but it can cause a lot of insanity. I have been battling bronchitis for two weeks now but I have been forging ahead, albeit slowly, and working at some new things.
I have just finished one fabric line and am working on a second one. They'll be showing at Spring Market in Minneapolis in May. I can't wait!

In the meantime, I am working with an incredible group of artists from varying fields at a new site, CraftEdu. This is a new on-line learning site for crafters. I am going to teaching a few courses and am working on the content right now. Is there anything that you're looking for in a quilt, knit or scrapbooking class that you haven't seen? I always love to hear what you're interested in. You can check out my portfolio here.
Check out the latest Quilts and More magazine. That's my little monkey bib on the cover. There's another bib of mine inside and a cork board idea! So fun.
I hope that you're getting a lot accomplished this week. It's been great staying inside weather. Is anyone else anxious for spring? I am. xo, L