You've been patient and I've been bad! Sorry. I had my most official aides, Adam and Alex, assist me with the arduous task of selecting the winner of our little contest. I loved all of the stories and they made me laugh. I couldn't decide so my little helpers put all of the names into their plastic orange Halloween pumpkin and pulled out the winner's name.
The winner is
sugarcreekstuff with her full blown pink eye story. Thanks to all. The winner gets a copy of "New Noel" and "Make Believe" by yours truly and "Copy Cat Quilts" and "Follow The Line Quilting Designs" courtesy of the kind and wonderful folks at
Martingale/That Patchwork Place. Plus, I will throw in some fabric, of course.

Is anyone else thinking about Halloween and Christmas? For some reason, I have thinking of pumpkins and sugarplum fairies a lot. I am going to re-visit my free patterns on my web site and have some fun with them. Perhaps you'll make something from the ideas that I will present for gift-giving. xo, L