My father passed away at the end of April. It has been a tough adjustment but I have my good days and my bad days. I remind myself of his spirit and his passion for things in life. He was a pragmatic and interesting man who was very generous and giving to us. I will miss him terribly. Mostly, I miss the fact that he got me. That's hard to find. Someone who gets what you do and is supportive in a quiet yet unassuming way. I am greatful that I was able to spend some quality time with him during spring break just two weeks before his accident. Stop and spend quality time with family and friends. We sometimes forget to do that but it feels good when we do.
Sadly, he will not see the book that I had dedicated to him but I know that he knew about it.I just received the manuscript for review and it will be coming out this fall for Martingale and Co. It is a scrapbook related book and I am excited about it. The book is geared more for beginners and I had great fun in putting it all together.
I have yet another deadline in the next week. It seems as though that's all I talk about right?? It's tough because I work about a year ahead and I can't actually show you until it is published.
I will put up a couple of free patterns soon though. I promise. It's all about having the time to do everything and priorities.