Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!
I've been watching and reading about the year in review in the news and in magazines. Lots of milestones in the world and it is no different for me personally. This year was forgettable and yet unforgettable. I lost four special people in my life within a six month period - my dad, my grandmother, my father-in-law and his brother, Uncle Joe. I've missed them all especially over the holidays but I've been blessed to have had them in my life.
From a design perspective, it has been the best year for me. I worked hard last year so that much of the work could come to fruition this year. I've had four and a half [contributed to the latter] books published, lots of magazine and fabric work. I thank all of the wonderful people in our industry for supporting my visiion and I especially thank all of you for coming along for the ride! Here's to a great new year.
xo, Linda
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Winter Sparklers & Holiday Winners!

Monday, December 10, 2007
I'm In A Holiday Mood & Giveaways Too!

Presenting, the Here, Birdie, Birdie Tote Bag. Yes, I finally got around to finishing it. I have the template posted on my website. Just click the link on the right. Now, the pattern itself is another story. It may be the end of the week before I get to it. I used some fabric from my new fabric line, Gardenia. Sorry for the poor photo. It is ugly outside and my model, Little A, won't cooperate. He thinks that it is funny that Mommy wants him to pose. Little does he know that that's him on the cover of Sew Sentimental!
Plus, we had a minor castrophe last Thursday. My very expensive and very relatively new Maytag washer had one very major hissy fit. There had been problems with this machine and they've discontinued it. I think that is what made Maytag, Maytag no more. So we decided to buy a new one. We now have one wonderful [keep my fingers crossed] Whirlpool machine. Please don't tell me that you've had problems with yours. I don't think that my hubby can handle it! I suddenly find myself in a holiday mood! Let's have a little giveaway. I have two bundles of my newest line, Gardenia. Plus, I have one copy of Cool Girls Quilt to give away too. Gee, I feel like Santa! E-mail me all through Sunday and I will draw three names Sunday night. Good luck!
Thursday, December 06, 2007

I made this tree skirt for a book and for once, I have used a design for myself. I bought the sparkly reindeer ornament when I was in Toronto a couple of months ago. I'm in love with it! As you can see, I don't really decorate in "traditional" colors. Then again, what is traditional? I don't eat turkey at holidays either. For some reason, I am really turned off by turkey. This year, when my family came for a visit, they ate turkey and I ate scallops.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Special Gifts

This year has had many ups and downs but overall I have felt blessed. It is a gift to be able to design and I am grateful for your passion for all that I do! Thank you! I hope that you enjoy making this stocking! Click here for the pattern.

Speaking of special gifts, I received this beautiful handmade pincushion and label a little while ago from Lucy Locket. Isn't this gorgeous? It came in a plastic bag and I haven't removed it because I am afraid of getting it dirty. It sits right in my work area and I look at it whenever I am there. Thank you, Lucy Locket!
Monday, December 03, 2007
OMG! It's December!

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Who Knew?
Here I am just before my Schoolhouse Presentation. Trying really hard to look like a domestic goddess and not really achieving the look I think! I was a nervous wreck. I don't have a problem with public speaking when it is about something else besides me. I used to do it all of the time in the pharmaceutical industry. However, when you want me to start talking about myself and what inspires me, I freeze about 24 hours before the presentation. When I get going, then I'm fine. It doesn't help that I don't sleep in hotel rooms either. I was one lucky designer though. I had a great audience [and a full house!] and I had a few familiar faces in the crowd. It was actually quite fun.

Seated: Karen, Sandi, Melanie, Barbara
[Photo credit: Sandi Makowski]
On Saturday morning, I met these wonderful ladies from Watkinsville, GA. They own Dragonfly Quilt Shop []. They're such enthusiastic ladies and love New Noel. For those of you lucky enough to get to their store, they have a trunk show of their own of my New Noel book. Run and check it out!!

I still have a couple of important pieces to post but I'll get back to it shortly. I am going to see Mickey Mouse tomorrow! I can't wait!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Knit Pillow Templates
I am in the middle of a computer change and I only had time to sit and figure out how to customize my blog yesterday so bear with me!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Drum Roll Please
However, before I post the winners [yes, I am stalling ;)] I will post a new tote bag project up soon [relative term depending upon when my new computer is up and running and probably after I return from the International Quilt Market next week]. For those of you who are going to be there, I won't have a booth but I will be giving a Schoolhouse Presentation on Friday at 10:30 a.m. in Room 372B. I hope to see you there!
I also got a little carried away during the drawing. Big A and Little A, the officials who officiated the drawing wanted to draw some more names. Who can argue with a 6-year old and a 4-year old? Therefore, we will have a few extra winners of mini-bundles of fat quarters [4 fat quarters]. I really shouldn't be so mean because I am absolutely horrible at holiday time when I want to know what I'm getting! Lets go throught the technical stuff first. I printed the comments from the blogs and the e-mail addies from those who e-mailed and folded all of the slips. Last names are deleted to protect the innocent. Then, I [well, Big A] put them all in a dish. I had no input after this point except to stop the name drawing. Big A drew the first name and Little A drew the second name for the two fat quarter bundles. The winners are:
amy [ACK! Those fabrics are GORGEOUS! ...]
Patricia, who's originally from Madrid and who e-mailed me [Love the pillow & the fabrics]
For the mini-bundles:
Debora and Deb from Watkinsville, Georgia
Jodi [Oh! Your new fabrics look soooo pretty!]
Shawn [What gorgeous fabrics.]
Christy [Looks like you've got a few new readers, including me!]
I hope that this is ok with all of you. I have the new computer. All of my business stuff needs to be downloaded, updated and whatever this weekend. I put the references there just so there wouldn't be any mix-ups. Thanks for entering. I hope to have some exciting stuff for you from Houston! I am excited! No chores, eating out and hanging with creative friends. Can't wait.
So send me your snail mail and I will post them as soon as I can.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Catching Up - Updated

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I'm an alien
This month all in the quilt industry are working hard because the International Quilt Market is coming fast. Some will also stay on and work the even more frenzied International Quilt Festival. I will be giving a Schoolhouse Presentation for Martingale & Co. at Quilt Market. I'll be looking forward to catching up with old friends and seeing new things. I can't wait!! No housework, cooking or chores. That's a real vacation.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Let's Celebrate!

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Hello Justine

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Well, here's some yummy fiber-related stuff. I needed a distraction when I was in Toronto and stopped in at the local knit shop, Village Yarns []. The shop is filled with inspiring fibers and samples and the staff are oh so friendly. Patrick, the bundle of energy who works there, designed this simple but funky shrug. I am knitting my shrug in a beautiful chocolate color in the fabulous Fleece Artist Kid Silk. Thanks for the inspiration Patrick! [Photo credits: Patrick Madden]
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Another Preview

These previews are coming so fast. I worked really hard on all of these projects in the last year and I am so excited to see them finally in production. I contributed 5 designs to this publication and it should be available this month. I love the other projects by the other designers too.
Sunday, July 22, 2007

This fun and funky new publication [Martingale/That Patchwork Place] will make its debut in October. There are lots of great designs that your crafty friends will swoon over. They are many little designs that include a tote bag, pincushion, pillow, coasters, and six quilts. The little projects are really quick and you be able to make them in no time. I hope that you like them too.
Friday, July 20, 2007

Wish You Were Here

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Around Town

I love the colors in this one and it's so cool how the artist incorporated it into the side of the building.

I can't imagine the work that went into putting these up. It would have been interesting to watch the entire process.
Some interesting tidbits:
1. I think that the actor Tom Green, ex of Drew Barrymore, was born here.
2. I was not born here.
3. Pembroke is the site of the first street lamp in Canada and the first town to have electric power for commercial use.
Monday, July 09, 2007

Friday, July 06, 2007
Stop and Smell the Roses

Monday, July 02, 2007
Home Again
I just returned from Canada over the Canadian long weekend. If only I was an eighteen wheeler! See that very empty right lane? That's just for trucks! Clear coasting. Well, what was normally a 1-hour drive to the border at the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge turned into a 3-hour drive and wait. I took some photos with my cell phone. It was a gorgeous day and I loved looking at the puffy clouds. When we were young, my Dad would take us on a car ride and he would ask us what we saw in the clouds. It was fun and of course, time would fly playing that game during our ride. For some reason, we don't get those cotton candy-fluffy clouds much around here in NJ.
So much has happened in the past month that it is somewhat surreal. One month after my father passed away, I was back home again at my grandmother's side. She passed away a couple of days after I left. She was a special person and she holds a place dear to my heart. We lived with my grandparents for a long time and she took care of 14 people [great-grandparents, aunts and uncles] in one household! I will miss you, Jo Pau.
I want to thank everyone for the kind and supportive thoughts as my family has gone through these tough days. It has really helped knowing that some great people are thinking about us.
We appreciate it greatly.
Despite the tough times, there have been some good things too. There have been a couple of previews of my new books. I am so excited about the end of this year. I'll finally be able to talk about my work! Whoo! Whee! For those who know me, they know what a struggle it has been to keep things under wraps. I cannot even wait until Christmas Day or my birthday if someone tells me that they have a present for me. I practically nag it out of them. So the moral of the story is, DON'T TELL ME!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Fathers and Daughters

Friday, April 20, 2007
Spring Is Here
There are only two more weeks until Quilt Market in Salt Lake City. Whoo! Hoo! I should have my new fabrics, Funky Flowers, in my hot little hands by then. I am so stoked about this line of fabric. Lots of fun and great colors. Lots of work until then too.
In between, I am going to squeeze in some time to work on a bit of this cute Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt. Liesl was generous enough to offer the scraps and templates and I am going to be the happy recipient! I have always wanted to try this piecing technique. Her quilt is inspiring.
I had a great time at my LYS, The Woolly Lamb in Pennington, NJ. I bought a wide range of yarns to play with. Some ideas will be put together for a new knitting book idea. I love the Lantern Moon Circulars though I reserve comment on their customer service. Let's just say that, for the money that I spent on the needles, I was less than impressed. I would give them a second chance because they seemed awfully nice when I met them at Quilt Market. Sorry, customer service is a little pet peeve of mine.
On Tuesday, I went into NYC to meet up with my fabric company. The drive was HORRIBLE but it worked out in the end because I came home all inspired. I dropped by Tinsel Trading too because it is right across the street from the fabric company. I am in love with that store! If you are ever in NYC go there for the most amazing silk flowers, trim and other goodies.
On the way home I stopped by Angelfire Studios in Warren. This store has a cool selection of yarns and she offers pottery classes too. Sigh! So many possible projects with so little time to do them!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Sew Eggciting!

Thursday, March 15, 2007
For Inspiration
Glorious! Amy's lush fabrics make me look forward to spring. Though chartreuse and lime green are a couple of my favorite colors, I'm in love with all shades of green these days. I am working on a knit bag in a kelly green. I hope to show it to you soon.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Is it spring yet?

I have really enjoyed the weather this week. It has been in the sixties and the temps may even reach 70 degrees today! The fresh air is really invigorating. I have had a very long March and it isn't even half over. I have finished up a lot of projects this month on the book front and I've started designing new fabric too. I'm dreaming of a holiday already though it won't be Hawaii this year. I think I'd like to go on a road trip down south and stop at every fiber-related shop along the way. Don't tell my travel companions! They've been through enough of that sort of travelling from here to Canada, to Kansas City and down south ro Virginia.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Can't Hang A Quilt There

Here's a photo of my livingroom with my brother's photographs. They are awesome! He and his buddy Pete travel, fish and photograph together. They also print the photographs themselves. They're amazing.

Run out and buy the current issue of Better Homes and Gardens' Quilts & More. My funky little placemats are in there and they used some of my "Paisley Parade" fabric in one of the projects. While you're out there, buy "Quilter's Home" too. Mark had a great little feature on the "Paisley Parade" line. Thanks!
I went to the NJ quilt show this weekend and had fun. I met up with a friend, Karen [R], who works in the quilting industry with me. She came along with her sister, Linda [L], and friend, Mary Beth [center]. They're very nice ladies who have such an enthusiasm for crafting and quilting. Thanks for hanging out with me!

I just finished some projects for Leisure Arts and I am soooo stoked about these projects. Can't wait to show you. I'll keep you posted.