Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Quilt Market - Part Three

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Quilt Market - Part Two

Oh yes, we even had some touch with true celebrity fame in Houston. Marie Osmond was making an appearance. She is so tiny! Lots of people were waiting in line for her to sign something.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Quilt Market - Part One

It was a whirlwind weekend and it was awesome. I was in Houston at Quilt Market. I worked more than I played this time. I really got my creative groove back at this show. I could really feel it this time. I didn't get a lot of photos of all that was going on but I did stop by a few booths.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Lucky Me

My friend, Amy Butler, sent me this special book yesterday. So lovely. The designs are wonderful and they make me want to [almost!] have another baby. I don't review a lot of books but I have to say that I love this book. She has a wide variety of designs ranging from simple blocks to a couple of her awesome bags. I love the "Everything Bag" and I'm going to make a few for gifts. I am going to make the "Cheeky Monkey Laundry Bag" for my boys because they wanted that one the moment that saw the photo of it.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Little Helper

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wishing For Warm Weather
I took this photograph this summer when it was nice and toasty. It has been quite cool here in the past week. Reno even left the ice scraper for me in the doorway on his way out one morning. Brrr!
Most of us in the quilting industry are prepping for Quilt Market this weekend. I can't wait! I love to meet up with friends and to meet some new ones. It is wonderful and I always come home inspired. Wishing you a lovely, warm day!
xo, L
Monday, October 20, 2008

Oh Brother!

I am having one of those weeks where everything is going wrong at the worst of times. I have to laugh about it or else I will cry.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Inspiration For A Day

The fabric company is located in a great place in the heart of the garment district. Right around the corner of the offices are two of my favorite stores, Tinsel Trading and M&J Trimming. The ribbons, trims and other little decorative things are so special.
Right outside of the office building where Henry Glass is located, is a gorgeous flower shop. I can't remember the name of it but it is at 37th and 6th Ave. The colors are gorgeous aren't they? Sorry the photos are lousy. I can't believe that I forgot my camera! I had to use the one on my phone.

When we were finished lunch and the meeting, there was a lot of traffic from the finish of the Columbus Day Parade so I decided to walk a couple of blocks to Kinokuniya. Don't you just love the cover of this one?

I only got a quick glance of the books because I started feeling sick [I've been battling a bad cold all week] and I also had to leave by 4 p.m. or else I'd get stuck in traffic.
I just love the buzz that I feel when I go into the city. It's refreshing and invigorating. Everything's within a few blocks of each other so it's like a major shot of creative adrenaline.
Oh, the grittiness is pretty cool too. xo,L
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Oh So Proud!

I took karate when I was younger but tae kwon do is a bit different. It's more like the stuff that you see in the movies. Lots more kicking involved and lots of flying kicks too. Tae kwon do literally means "foot, fist, way" whereas karate means "empty hand".
Great job! xo, L
Friday, October 10, 2008
Trying To Work

Let's move on to lighter and more creative stuff. I made these last year for the boys' bathroom. So cute, huh? I used my Funky Flowers fabric and cut silhouettes from plain black fabric. Then I fused and framed. It's a quick and easy decorating idea and also a great gift.

A few people wondered what my chocolate colored powder room looked like. It used to be blue with beige wallpaper. The former owner had more conservative taste. Wouldn't she be surprised to see it now. Sorry the pic is not that great. This room doesn't have a window.

Gotta pic up Little A and then back to work. xo, L
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
On Display
I love to display artwork by the most creative peeps of all - my kids. It makes me proud and they get such a kick out of seeing their stuff on the wall. I have this art display right beside my dining room table. It is such a quick and easy thing to make. Plus you can dig through your stash and find something pretty to dress it up. As for the frame, you can buy one at a craft store but I have recycled other ones from garage sales.
Here's how you can make your own display board:
1. Buy a frame, a roll of cork and a strong board for the backing if there isn't one that comes with the frame. You'll need fabric of course. I used a piece from my Gardenia line.
2. Glue the cork to the board and let dry.
3. Cover the cork with your fabric and pull to the back. Make sure the corners are pulled nicely and evenly. Adhere the fabric to the back of the board.
4. Place the covered board into the frame. Cover the back with kraft or other paper to make it neat.
5. Nail the hanging hook to the back of the frame and you are ready to display your artwork!
Monday, October 06, 2008
I am lucky.

I live in a transient sort of place in NJ. Clinton is a lovely, charming little place 50 mins. west of Manhattan. People come from many different places because many of the big pharma companies are based here and attract employees from all around the world. Also, since the cost of living is so high in New York, many of our friends and neighbors commute 2 hours each way to the city to work.
The result is an interesting mix of people. I am fortunate to meet people of different nationalities here and I am even luckier when they bring me goodies back from their homeland. My friend Roopa spends a few months in India and she knows that I love quilts. So when she offered to bring back some quilts from India, who was I to say no? I got this sweet quilt a few months ago upon her return. I love the colors and the images. [Unfortunately, the other quilt that she bought me perished to nowhere land because her suitcase fell apart somewhere between Newark and India.]
I am lucky indeed.
Friday, October 03, 2008
A visit to Ottawa

I have spent time in Ottawa for various reasons in the past year and have enjoyed visiting. The Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, Quebec has always been a favorite architectural site for me to visit. It is located across the river from Ottawa. I took the kiddos here while Reno attended a conference.
The Chateau Laurier is a beautiful, historic building beside the Parliament building in downtown Ottawa. The kiddos want to stay at the "castle" again very soon.

Sam made this wonderful notebook cover from my "Cool Girls Quilt" book. She studied baking and perhaps the next time I go there I will have to get her to bake some delicious cake for me!
Here's Michele showing off her beautiful work. She's so fun and energetic. I'm sure that all of her students love taking classes with her.

Adam got hooked on poutine. Yum! French fries, cheese curds, and gravy. What more do you want? I prefer the ones from New York Fries but in a pinch, any kind of poutine is fine with me. Oh dear, this can't be good for the cholesterol levels.

When the Better Homes and Gardens folks came to my home this spring I think that they were surprised by the neutral colors in my home. I love color but my co-inhabitants wouldn't go for the following:
I loved these two window displays. I would die for this chair and then regret it after a week because it would turn black, purple and blue from footprints, and popsicle stains. Sigh!
One can only dream and wish!