This photograph is a sneak peak at my website. I am happy because my website will make its debut within the next week. You see, I made my deadline my birthday. [April 6th, in case you're asking]. The site will still be a work in progress but it will showcase my books and designs.
I still haven't shared the experience of a recent class trip, have I? I'd been to the Crayola Factory before and had lots of fun but this time around, I was pleasantly surprised with what I got out of the visit.

The other visits were totally chaotic and crazy because there'd be several classes from different schools visiting. This time it was totally inspiring because I got to sit down and really see what goes on in the mind of three five-year old boys. We were the only class there and it was fabulous. I love the colors!

If I could only have a studio like this below. Spacious, clean and a glass wall that you can write on. How cool is that?

Oh, I do love these work tables. Look at the legs of the tables.

On the third floor they had some interesting folk art on display. I've always love the whimsy and the color of folk art pieces. The boys loved the National Canal Museum on this floor because there was a room with a 90-foot water canal for them to play in.

I fell in love with this captain's desk that they had on display.

For a little while, I did become obsessed with the alleyway between the Crayola Factory and these shops. These photos were taken from the second floor looking down into the alley.

Check out these huge windows. I've always wanted to live/work in a loft with huge windows.

Even more awesome are doors. Each one is a different color.

What I found most interesting was my observation of the uninhibited way that little boys look at the world. They're not afraid of mixing colors and trying new things. Their approach to things is so curious, fun, and messy, yet, uncomplicated. I had been facing a block with the design of my website. I took this simplicity and changed my approach. Then, everything just fell into place.

Sometimes stepping back and taking a different perspective is the key to opening things up.

xo, L