*Update: Giveaway extended for another week or so because the fabric isn't here yet. I'll let you know when I'll close the entries.
School's finished! Yahoo! What a relief! We had so much going on in the last two weeks of school, that I was soooooo close to running away and joining the circus. We had activities and award celebrations at both schools, tae kwon do tests and ceremonies, music recitals and of course, work. Does anyone else feel this crazy at the end of the year?
Big A's class made Father's Day cards and I cut the ties for them out of fabric. So cute, don't you think? His teacher, Mrs. S, is showing off all of their beautiful work.
Where have I been? I decided on a spur of the moment trip to Toronto. I needed to just rest my brain and get some inspiration. There's lots of stuff happening in the next month for work and homestuff so getting away was the perfect remedy. I should be getting my fabric in the next few weeks. Yay! So let's say that we have a little contest? Tell me what you're going to do this summer. You can leave a comment here or my website, e-mail me, or comment of Facebook. Everyone will be included in the drawing! Let your friends know! When my fabric comes in, you'll get a fat quarter of each design and a couple of my books. We'll end this contest this Saturday and I'll announce it Sunday. Have fun! xo, L